I have a bad habit of being overconfident in my ability to remember things and this week that bad habit caused me to rip out and re-knit the same four rows about four times. Why do I always do this to myself?
Here's what happened
I'm making a pair of socks and I decided not to follow a pattern for the lovely cables but simply came up with an ingenious design myself...ahem. Ingenious until you wait four months after finishing the first sock to continue on to the next one. What did I do on the first one? Well, it's right there in front of my face but apparently my counting skills have deteriorated in the intervening four months and...re-knit four times.
Yep. My follow through skills are not so good. I read a lot of self-help crappy pop-psychology magazine articles and apparently there are people out there who are good at the elusive follow-through. That is, they can take a task and see it through to completion; make a plan and follow it. This is not my forte. I like ideas, big ideas, and I'm often overwhelmed by the details, or what I think are the details, of following through. This shows itself in every aspect of my life and, in this case, my knitting is bearing the brunt of my shortcoming. Patterns...just details...who cares...
At least there is hope. Slowly, ever so slowly, I'm improving. I have, in my old age and wisdom, learned that there is value in being exact, following the plan, and taking notes. Perhaps this will not happen again, somehow though, I think it might.