Saturday, October 9, 2010


I realized that part of my inspiration problem lately is my utter lack of organization when it comes to my yarn and notions.

Not long ago I had all of my yarn stocked in an orderly fashion by project in a dresser and my needles were all in one spot and, well, kind of a jumbled mess but they were all together anyway. Now my system is all in disarray because of two things, one: a disgusting and destructive moth infestation. Those squirmy fuzzy creeps did not get to the bulk of my yarn but I took preventative measures and put it all in the deep freeze anyway. And two: a remodel of the room in which I stored all of my yarn.

It happened like this: I took my yarn out of the dresser to put in the freezer and as it sat in the freezer with all of the cruddy moths dying from cold we started to remodel the room that the dresser was in. So the dresser got moved to another room, there it sat inviting me to put stuff in it that needed to go somewhere that wasn't the couch or the floor, so I did. Now the dresser is half full of other stuff and my yarn is in plastic bags in several different spots in the basement. Plastic bags are not as easily accessible as a dresser or as good for taking a quick inventory. I also happen to be paranoid about taking the yarn out of the plastic bags in case the moths should decide to revisit their old home, which doesn't help the situation.

Now I'm not sure what to do. Maybe I'll re-channel my organizational energy and clean out a closet instead.