I returned successfully from knitting weekend with my aunties and have a winter's worth of new projects.
I started a mitten over the weekend that is my first attempt at two handed color knitting. It is the left half of a lovely blue and white kit that I got at Stitches from Arnhild's Knitting Studio. I waited a very long time to start them because, although I have been very adventurous, it is always good to have backup and a practiced eye. Thankfully my Mom and my Aunties approved of my work and helped me get through the messy parts.
My beloved was pleased when I got home as well because I picked out yarn for a sweater he wanted me to make for him. He actually likes the yarn too! I didn't think I would ever be able to please him. I think it will be really fun to make something for him because he has been so resistant to wool for such a long time. I finally got to him!
As the weather cools I find I want to do more homey things like reading and knitting and baking. I am beginning to think about making bread again. My bread baking book sat on the shelf completely untouched since the frost came out and now I find my thoughts returning to the yeasty smell of fresh loaves. Mmmm...delicious.
1 comment:
Ohhhh if you teach me to make bread I'll give you a jar of homemade raspberry jam. Let's make a date.
Sarah D.
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