Wednesday, January 12, 2011


How'd I get to be so lame? I last published a post over three months ago. To my three loyal readers I apologize. I will be better.

On that note, here are my new year's resolutions:

1. Pick up after myself
2. Write a 2nd draft of my story "George"
3. Eat vegetables (this used to have "more" in it but I figure my chances are better at completion if i just keep it simple, i.e. I ate broccoli today! One down.)
4. Exercise
5. Blog (one more done!!)
6. Practice piano
7. Clean basement
8. Plant garden
9. Decorate for the holidays (just Christmas, not all of them)
10. Read books
11. Vacuum
12. Sweep

I made 12 because chances are better that I'll do something about 12 small ones than 1 big one. It's all about the small accomplishments.

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