Monday, August 15, 2011

Dishes are Like Purling

I was doing the dishes the other night and thinking how wretched it is to have to wash goey disgusting dishes every single day when I had an epiphany...dishes are like purling!

You may be asking,filthy disgusting dishes are like purling? How?

Well. There is many a knitter out there who hates the purl; hates it with a passion usually reserved for despots and snakes, which is generally how I feel about dishes, but I do not happen to be one of those purl-hating knitters. I enjoy the purls. The purl stitches are the yin to the yang, the down to the up, the cold to the hot etc., etc., of knitting. Once you get the rhythm of them they are very enjoyable as enjoyable as the knit, if perhaps a little slower for the throwing knitter.

Dirty, dishes could also be thought of as the complementary negative of eating, and one could further extrapolate that dishes could perhaps (with difficulty) be enjoyed for their rhythm and regularity.

And so, it is my goal to learn to enjoy the crusted on filth and drudgery that is dishwashing, or at least learn not to loath it so much.

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