Tuesday, January 24, 2012


...It seems I have been absent from my blog for quite some time. Well...so it goes. It's not that I haven't been knitting, I have, I've just been busy, and tired, and in a bad mood because it's winter and dark. I hate the dark. I could handle the winter if it wasn't nighttime ALL the time. Winter in the sunlight is pretty; it's sparkly and nice smelling with crisp fresh air. All of the sparkles and freshness kind of makes me happy, but you can't see the sparkles at night. Stupid nighttime.

Winter tends to make me want to hide in my couch-cave and drink too much but at least it also makes me want to knit like crazy. Which I am doing now. I have three big projects and still seem to want more (but I'm containing myself and focusing on finishing).

The first project is the biggest project I have ever undertaken: my master knitter certification. Right now I'm working on knitting the swatches for level one. So far I have four swatches and one that I need to re-knit because I made an ugly mistake. The blocking on the first four is done and it was a nerve racking process, well all of it is really. I keep wondering which swatches I'll get back. I think I'm going to go forward with the assumption that I will get all of them back and then I won't stress about it too much. So that means I have 12 more swatches left plus the questions and report. I'm hoping to get through level one by the end of the year, well really earlier but the end of the year is more realistic.

I also have two sweaters I'm working on. That's right, two. Yes I think I might be a little crazy but it's working for me right now. The first sweater is this one (this is the bottom):

Hopefully in the end it will look like this (this is the top, pretty right?):

-from Interweave Knits

I'm also working on this one:

-from Interweave Knits

For these I'm motivated by the cold. It's cold and I want to be warm. Plus having two at the same time means I know I'll be warm at some point and I always have something to knit even when I run into a roadblock on one. (Which I did and is a story for another day)

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