Monday, February 20, 2012


Here's what happens when you knit by the seat of your pants, don't take notes and make two items that need to be exactly alike at very different times from one another:

What's that you say? That my friend, is a giant ball of re-do, aka try-again, aka knit-it-over. Or you could just call it, I messed up so bad there's no fixing it.

This is a once and future sleeve. I made two sleeves for my beautiful Twisted Yoke Cardigan and when I got to the end of the second one I realized that it was about an inch and a half longer than the first one. Oooops! When I went back to diagnose my problem I found that I had put the decreases in at too short an interval on the first one. Both sleeves followed the pattern but one was knit a size smaller than the other one. Apparently I couldn't remember what size I was working on when I started the first sleeve, or I just simply thought I was making a different size than I really was. Why didn't I write anything down when I started the sweater?? It's because I think my memory is infallible, but unfortunately it is not. And I had proof in my two different sized sleeves.

At first I thought I could make up for it by knitting on to the end of the first one but then I realized that the sleeve would be oddly shaped no matter what I did and they would never match. Maybe it would look funny and maybe it wouldn't but I don't care to find out so I ripped. I ripped both of them. I have a little remorse about ripping the one that was probably right but I was so rattled by the discrepancy in length that I don't want to chance it. These will be exactly the same! At least the pattern for the sleeves is simple and doesn't take too long to knit. Stupid sleeves.

Hopefully (but I doubt it) I have learned my lesson and will take very detailed notes in future. At least write down what size I'm making. That's pretty simple right? I can do that.

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