So lately I've been thinking of an epic project, something to challenge me and keep me occupied for a very long time...
Knitting through my stash.
It's crazy I know, but I don't have any storage space and I feel like I need to use what I have before it gets wet in the basement or eaten by moths. All of that beautiful yarn is just waiting for me to make it into something lovely.
Knitting through my stash means making good use of odds and ends from old projects plus yarn that I got for projects but never used for those projects. It will require tenacity and creativity and a moratorium on buying yarn; which is okay because I feel guilty every time I bring a new skein home without using up one from the piles I currently have.
My rules for this epic project will be:
1. Almost all yarn must be used. Exceptions will be made if the ball of yarn is smaller than a cottonball.
2. Any project counts. Rugs, dollies, pillow covers, napkin rings, whatever gets rid of the yarn.
3. Once a project gets started it must be finished. This is going to be a tough one because I'm much better at starting than finishing projects. I can do it. To the finish line! One needle in front of the other!
I'll keep you updated on my progress. I plan to start after I finish the socks I'm working on, which hopefully won't take too long.
At first I thought I should try to do this in a year, a la Julie and Juliet, but I realized that there is no possible way I can get through such a giant mound of yarn in a year. I think I would have to use more than a skein a week and right now I use a skein every three months, if that. So I gave up. It takes as long as it takes.