Sunday, January 11, 2009

Equal Pay for Equal Work

To very little fanfare the 111th House of Representatives this week passed a bill that will give women more power to demand and receive equitable pay. H.R. 12 or the Paycheck Fairness Act amends the Fair Labor Standards act of 1938 expanding the abilities of women treated unfairly to pursue damages in court and increases the penalties for companies found in violation of this act. It also has provisions for data collection, grants for training and education in negotiation, and awards for companies actively trying to eliminate the gender pay gap.


I know that this probably won't make any noticeable difference to me, or to most of the hardworking women standing side by side with men who earn more, but at least it's something. Hopefully it will hit the lawbooks and women who need it will have recourse against their discriminatory employers. And maybe then, after a couple of companies have paid out large damages, other companies will re-evaluate how they figure compensation to ensure that everyone is treated fairly.

Update: This bill was passed by the Senate and is the first bill signed into law by President Obama.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Knitting for me!

Okay...I'm kind of ashamed to admit it but...I'm super excited to be knitting for me! While I like making things for other people I really knit just because I like to have the warm fuzzy soft things all to myself. I love yarn and wool and knitted things; that's why I knit by hand. And to make things that I know are just for me makes me so happy! Especially when I know that I am getting better and better at knitting and my finished goods are more beautiful than ever before. MMmmmm...I'm thinking of all the wonderful possibilities right now. I just made this hat for Mr. Yarn and I am getting very excited about making a much prettier one for me.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy new year to all! I hope this is the best year ever for everyone reading. Congratulations on making it through another year and may luck be your lady in the next.