Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Summer. Busy.

Knitting projects complete: 3 (except two of them were for babies so they weren't that big but they still count as completions, HA HA!!)

Softball games won: 6 (Our best year yet. We finally got shirts and I think they were lucky.)

Piano recitals: 1 (my piano teacher told me I made people cry, and I'm not quite sure I believe him, but I like the idea)

Appliances Purchased: 2 (but I think one doesn't work. Stupid Craigslist)

I also: taught 3 people to knit (I hope they stick with it!), grew some flowers, helped others with their vegetable growing, botched some recipes, painted some walls, and mostly had a lot of fun with my friends and family.

What a great summer so far! Fall is looking like it's going to be fantastic too!!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Looks like I'm no good at blogging in the summer. I'll try to get better.