Saturday, March 21, 2009

Technical Difficulties

Oh's a blessing...and a curse. It seems that the more cool electronic gadgets I acquire the more I lose the attachments and cords and everything that makes them work.

I have an excellent little camera that has served me well in its time but it seems I have lost the cord that hooks it up to my computer. Sad. What's worse is that I have a drawer full of cords in my computer desk containing cords for a million things that I don't actually want to use at this moment. I don't even know what they're for, but I'm afraid to toss them out because they might belong to some other gadget that needs to hook up to something and if I don't have them the world might blow up!

I think, in order to regain my composure, I'm going to do something very old fashioned; walk to the library and check out a book.